Historical Background

Muhammad kamalud-deen University is a distinguished educational institution dedicated to nurturing bright minds and fostering a passion for knowledge. With a rich history of academic achievement and a focus on holistic development, we empower our students to excel in their academic pursuits and make a positive impact on society.

The Ansarul-Islam Society of Nigeria was founded on the 28th of May, 1942 making it the first body to be accorded the status of Voluntary Agency by the defunct Northern Nigerian Government. Its founding objective was the propagation of Islam and ensuring that Muslims are not left out of the emerging dominance of western education in pre-independence Nigeria. The core of its activities base, thus, remained the re-organisation of the mode of delivery of the traditional Arabic/Islamic education to be in tune with current trends and developments in the delivery of education generally. It also has as part of its activities the establishment of educational facilities for the teaming Nigerian Muslim Youths.

Under the leadership of its founding President, Sheik Muhammad kamalud-deen, the Ansarul-Islam Society of Nigeria has played, and its still playing a significant role in education in Nigeria particularly in the old Western and Northern Regions. The society has over the years continued to play the required role in the Nigerian education system at the Nursery, Primary and Secondary Schools levels. Some Scholars, Educationists, Administrators, Teachers and Politicians of the former Western and Northern Regions passed through one of the primary or secondary schools of the society. The Ansarul-Islam Society has also establish and maintained linkage with the famous Al-Azhar University, Egypt since 1962 leading to the establishment of the Ma’had Institute of Higher Islamic Studies, Ilorin.

The Muhammad kamalud-deen University is therefore the product of the initiative of the Ansarul-Islam Society of Nigeria. The idea for the establishment of the university was conceived and developed over a period of four (4) decades. Following the announcement of the Federal Government Policy on the establishment of private universities in Nigeria in 1993, several members of the society, particularly the old students/pupils of the society’s over one hundred secondary and primary schools renewed their call for the establishment of a university of the Ansarul-Islam Society. To actualize this dream, a parcel of land measuring 265 acres was acquired in Ilorin more than 30 years ago. The matter was formally tabled before the National Executive Committee of the Society in 1991, when it was decided that an Endowment Fund be launched.

A final step was taken on 19th November, 2005, during the meeting of the National Executive Committee of the Society. At that meeting it was resolved that a university be established by the Society and named after its founder, Sheikh Muhammad kamalud-deen, to serve as a monumental gift to the Nigerian nation and the world at large in higher education delivery.